Well, I am super excited to be the first post to this forum.
I have been reading Author Bryant's works avidly since I discovered them by chance. I actually started reading Dream Mate as my first Bryant novel. As I read I was so enraptured by the writing that I wanted to see if there were more stories by Bryant, because I was impatient waiting for more of Dream Mate. When I discovered that there were stories that chronilogically happened before/concurrently with Dream Mate, I had to catch up. I consumed those stories and then went back and read the other stories not set in the Bloodmoon/Incubi universe. I have not found a story by Bryant that I did not like. I even have started re-reading the stories as I wait for new chapters to tide me over.
My favorite thing about Author Bryant's work is that the erotic scenes add to the story but are not the story. So many of her stories could have those scenes removed and the story would still be amazing. I plan to work on buying all of her books digitally where I can and physically, because I really want to support her!