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The Hybrid's Vampire Part 2

Writer's picture: Author BryantAuthor Bryant

Updated: Nov 3, 2024

Chapter 17 - Auðr

In my century-plus years, I’ve seen many technological advancements. Some were good, some were bad. And none have been as perfect a double-edged sword as the internet. The internet connects people and expands the accessibility of knowledge to the masses. It also gives a platform for people, some of whose inside thoughts ought to have remained that way, an opportunity to hurt others globally. All aside, as a supernatural being held accountable to the statute of secrecy, the internet is the worst invention ever. 

Before the internet, it was much easier to say you were someone else, and no one made a connection. It wasn’t a huge deal for many of my kind because they weren’t in the public eye. For the others in the band and me, it is. With the internet and conspiracy theories out there, we may find ourselves back into permanent retirement from performing to protect the statute of secrecy. I don’t know if I’m ready to give up music, and I know the others aren’t. 

How easily Sage found pictures of my past ‘lives’ was proof of all this. I knew we’d have to take a break from being Immortal Eclipse soon, but I’d hoped for at least another chance at starting a new band and enjoying that life before it became too dangerous to protect our secret. Maybe the timing was right. If Sage took Steelcrest’s offer, I’d want to be with them. It would also work in Léonel’s favor now that he’s found Leo. It would let him slow down and get to know his kid.

I sighed, rolling my eyes as Sage refocused on the pictures they’d found—specifically the photo from the 1990s where my tattoo was partially visible. The tattoo was real, all right. I got it before I even became a vampire. I just generally kept it covered because of the stigma many associated with tattoos in those days. In the 1990s, I let it show since being a musician with tattoos was far more accepted.

“Fine.” I conceded.

I debated whether to pull my sleeve up to show the tattoo on my arm from the photo or take the whole shirt off to show the other tattoo on my chest. In for a penny, in for a pound. I took my fedora off, setting it on the dash. Sage arched their brow, watching me closely. Their eyes grew wider as I pulled the oversized shirt over my head and placed it in my lap. I know I’m not super muscular. I never was, but I’m lean-muscular. You can’t be an apex predator like a vampire and be a weakling. I’ve never had anyone complain about my physique. Based on Sage’s hungry gaze, they wouldn’t be the first.

“Eclipse…” Sage blinked, stretching their hand toward the illustrative black wolf with purple eyes that made up my chest piece.

It took me a second to piece it together. The tattoo on my right bicep was an illustrative forest that made a V in the mist with a lunar eclipse in the sky. It clicked when my brain caught up to Sage reaching for the wolf. Their wolf is named Eclipse. Did the wolf on my chest remind Sage of theirs?

“Eclipse? Does your wolf look like this?” I asked, touching my tattoo.

“Um… yeah. Exactly like this, purple eyes and all.” Sage nodded. “Can I…” They pointed at my tattoo.

“Touch the tattoo?” I asked.

“Yes, that,” Sage said, licking their lips again. 

“Sure. While I appreciate consent, we’re mates, so I think touching my bare chest is within your rights.” I teased, taking Sage’s hand to press against my chest. 

Sage’s hand was warm, and their touch sent shock waves through me, trying to wake my undead heart. It was still weird, but it was a good weird. I remained still, letting Sage do whatever they needed and wanted. It took a moment before Sage moved their hand. Slowly, painfully so, Sage traced the outline of the wolf on my chest and swirls around the wolf’s head. The whole time, their eyes never left the eyes of the wolf.  

“How... why... when?” Sage asked, still locked in on the tattoo.

I could’ve teased them for their monosyllable caveman-like question. But I won’t. They are still stunned that I apparently have a tattoo that resembles their wolf to be coherent—that or they are on sensory overload from the mate bond touching me like this. Either way, it’s not something I should make Sage feel self-conscious about. 

“I got my first tattoo, the one on my arm...” I nodded to my right bicep. “When I was nineteen. I’d had this super vivid dream. I was standing in the valley of an unfamiliar forest surrounded by a thick mist, and a lunar eclipse was hanging high above the treetops.” 

Sage’s eyes finally moved from the wolf to the tattoo on my arm. The tattoo that started this whole business of asking me about my ink. Sage traced the V of the tall, thin trees and then touched the eclipsed moon, holding their hand before looking at me.

“You dreamed of this scene and decided to get it as a tattoo in 1920? Did they even do tattoos like this back then? It looks… pristine.” Sage asked.

“It wasn’t the usual asked, that’s for sure. Back then, it was usually sailors and the like who got tattoos. And then they were things like anchors or lady faces.” I admitted. 

“So, going to a shop on the sketchy side of town to ask for this got me a few weird looks. But, as they say, money talks. Brice Rimbaut didn’t have strong convictions about anything and liked the challenge of something not his usual.” I shrugged.

“You remember your tattoo artist’s name? All these years later?” Sage asked.

“Yeah, of course. Brice may be dead, but his art lives forever on me.” I said.

“Did Brice also do the Eclipse, I mean wolf tattoo? When and why did you get that one?” Sage asked, nodding to the wolf.

“No, this one wasn’t Brice,” I said, touching the wolf. 

“He’d been sick, consumption, and died before I went for this one. It was his apprentice, Bastien Robichau, who did this.” I explained.

“Aw, that sucks. So why did you get it, and when?” Sage asked as their hand slid from my bicep across my chest to the wolf. 

Was that intentional? Maybe. Though I have a feeling it wasn’t Sage’s intention to make me suck in a breath or my dick twitch in my jeans. I have the feeling that Sage is a bit more talk than experience regarding things like that. Honestly, that makes it hotter. 

“I got this one the day before I died. I’d been having a recurring dream. I was in the forest valley under the eclipse, and this wolf kept appearing in the trees, watching me with unnatural purple eyes. The wolf stalked me as I tried to find my way around the forest, always keeping the same distance even if I moved toward him.” I explained, letting my eyes close as I recalled the dream. 

“I couldn’t get the wolf out of my head for a month. Then, I decided to get the tattoo.” I said, opening my eyes.

“The next day, I was murdered, or almost murdered, for being gay. And since I became a vampire, my tattoos don’t fade or go through the usual wear and tear a tattoo on a mortal’s skin.” I said. 

“So, you were… what dreaming about Eclipse before even my grandparents would’ve been born?” Sage asked, their hand absently petting… yes, petting… my wolf tattoo.

“Maybe.”  I shrugged.

“Is that a Darby thing? One of your family members told Alpha Logan all this would happen. Is being a seer something you can do too?” Sage asked.

“Well, I can say that I’m no seer.” I shook my head. “My dad used to tell us about his grandma, who dabbled in voodoo and such. But seeing the future isn’t a power I have as a vampire.”

“So, when you turned, you stopped having the dreams about the forest, the eclipse, and the wolf?” Sage asked.

“Pretty much, yeah.” I nodded.

“Pretty much?” Sage asked. “That implies there have been other incidents.”

“I had the dream again on April 24th, 2011. The next morning, when we were kicking around new band name ideas, I threw out the name Immortal Eclipse because of the never-ending eclipse in my dream. I had it again during the full moon in May 2027. And the last time I had it… was the day before we met.” I trailed off as things were starting to click.

“April 24th, 2011, is my birthday, and May 20th, 2027, was my first full moon where I shifted.” Sage blinked.

I was certain we’d connected the same dots when our eyes met. The werewolf Goddess has been trying to bring us together for a long time. She was trying to reach me through dreams. Since I dreamed of the forest and the eclipse when Sage was born and when they shifted, and the day before we met, that rules out that my vampirism was in the way. Does that mean someone else was in my human era with Eclipse for a wolf? Was I meant to meet him, but I died, and their goddess had to make new plans? Does that mean Sage is my second chance to meet the werewolf with the wolf I kept seeing?

“Do you believe in reincarnation?” I asked.

“The Bloodmoon Alpha Wolf is a reincarnation. Darkness and Light of Sicily are reincarnations, too. So, I kind of have to.” Sage said. 

“Are you thinking that me or at least Eclipse is a reincarnation of someone you should’ve met in the past?” Sage asked.

“It’s not the most far-fetched thought. I went from my death to your birth without dreaming of that forest, the eclipse, of that wolf. Then suddenly, I start again, but only on occasions that line up with life-changing events that relate to you.” I said.

“If Eclipse and I or just Eclipse is a reincarnation, I’m glad for it. I wouldn’t want anyone else as my mate.” Sage smiled, unfastening their seatbelt before surprising me with a kiss as they climbed onto my lap.

Chapter 18 - Sage

I didn’t fully understand everything, but it made sense in my heart and soul. Auðr and I have always meant to be. It didn’t matter what year it was or what species we would find each other. That’s the kind of destiny I can get on board with. The sort of destiny that makes having to share even a drop of blood with that sperm donor is worth it. It’s worth it when it means I get to kiss Auðr. 

Sure, the steering wheel was uncomfortably prodding my spine, but that didn’t matter. A little pain was nothing in comparison to the pleasure of touching Auðr’s bare chest, of how his tongue entwined his mine, of how his fingers felt as they danced their way under my shirt. I gasped as we suddenly moved. Auðr had pulled the lever to recline his seat back, so now I wasn’t simply in his lap but lying on top of him. 

Am I a top? Is Auðr a bottom? I didn’t know, but I couldn’t wait to figure that out. I know there’s still a lot we need and should be talking about. But why waste Auðr’s lips on words when kissing is sooo much better? We were really getting into this kiss. Everything around us faded out of existence. 

I don’t know when my shirt was removed. I hadn’t even registered that we’d broken the kiss for the moment necessary for it to be tugged off. It didn’t matter. I was all about skin-to-skin contact. The sparks of the mate bond were already driving me crazy, just kissing and touching Auðr. And now that our chests could touch, those sparks intensified. 

For being a self-proclaimed demisexual, I was not behaving that way. I was grinding against Auðr, growling into our kiss each time our dicks touched through our clothes. I wanted less fabric between us. I wanted to see the hard cock that I felt through the denim. I wanted to touch, lick, and suck it. I wanted to be fucked by it. I didn’t care that a rental car on the side of the road was likely not the best place for it. I just knew what I wanted: Auðr, all of him. 

A sharp tapping on a window caught our attention, pulling us out of the mate bond haze. I begrudgingly pulled back from the kiss, resting my hands on Auðr’s chest as I sat up and looked around. The windows were fogged up from our make-out session. I furrowed my brow, seeing a blobby shape through the window before the knocking on the window happened again. The cool-ish mountain summer air entered the car as the door opened. 

“There are better, less obvious, and public places to park if you’re looking to fuck in the back seat of a car.” David taunted.

He was dressed in his state trooper uniform, arms folded. While the uniform and posture said ‘serious,’ the slight upturn of his lips and the laughter in his blue-green eyes said ‘joking.’ What is it with people cockblock today? First, it was Alpha Logan, and now it’s David. Alpha Logan had a valid reason, and I bet David will, too. It doesn’t make me any less frustrated. 

“Stripper Bryant.” Auðr nodded. “Now I get it.”

“Seriously? Do you and River introduce me to everyone you know that way? I have a name.” David rolled his eyes.

“Pretty much.” I grinned, using some of Eclipse’s confidence not to blush or dive for my shirt. 

I’m confident in my nudity—I’m not saying I’m not—but a part of me is super embarrassed to be caught in this situation, even more so that David caught me. I probably wouldn’t bat an eye if it were someone in my family. I wouldn’t need Eclipse’s confidence to stay on Auðr’s lap. 

“What are you even doing out here? Shouldn’t you be, oh, I don’t know, home with your mate and kid? Or did you pick up extra shifts?” I asked. 

“And where’s Red?” I asked, looking through the back window and seeing an empty patrol car through the slowly defogging window.

“Let me guess. You’re here as a favor to Sage’s family or Logan’s orders. Did not one tell you Sage checked in and was safe with their mate?” Auðr asked, being all casual as he continued to rub circles with his thumbs on my sides absently.

“Oy, could you not?” David rolled his eyes, gesturing to Auðr’s hands on me. 

Auðr smirked but didn’t stop. He’s trying to annoy David. I’m not sure to what end. Probably to the point that David would leave us alone. Not a bad plan. I could get on board with that idea. I know I’d like to get back to kissing and seeing how much hotter and heavier things could get. Perhaps put fooling around on hold just long enough to park somewhere more private, as David suggested. 

“Trust me, Sage, I’d rather be home with my mate and kid. Instead, I got sent out looking for you because you ran off after eclipsing the room. It worried a lot of people, especially your mom. And yeah, I knew you checked in. I was heading back when I saw the fogged-up car and matched the license plate to the rental Léonel provided.” David shrugged.

“Sooo you intentionally pulled over to cockblock me? Who wronged you when you were my age? Have I ever cockblocked you to require this retaliation?” I asked.

“It’s a rite of passage in Bloodmoon, kid. You’ll live.” David smirked.  

“Now then. People in their seats, seats in their upright positions, clothes on, and find somewhere else to park. You’re just outside pack territory, so human authorities might cross your path if you stay here.” David banged on the roof. 

“Oh, and Sage, make sure you’re both using condoms. Musicians fuck around, and being immortal doesn’t mean he can’t be a carrier.” David pointed at Auðr. 

“Oh my god!” I exclaimed, officially wanting to die of embarrassment.

I could handle getting caught shirtless, making out in a car with my mate. I could handle banter with David while Auðr touched my sides. But this? David not only reminded us to use condoms, which, duh, I passed sex ed, but he just implied Auðr might have something simply because he’s a musician. I wanted to sink into oblivion. 

‘I want to bitch slap David like you did Rune last night.’ Eclipse growled. 

Eclipse was angry, while I was embarrassed and angry. Keeping an angry Eclipse in check isn’t the easiest thing. I struggled to tug him back, but he gained enough control to speak his mind. Eclipse turned my head to look at David and glared.

“Sage likes. River likes you. I’m generally okay with you. For those reasons, this is your only warning. Speak that way to or about our mate again, and I’ll be apologizing to your mate and son.” Eclipse growled. 

“Whoa…” David held his hands up. “Relax, Eclipse. Just be safe and find somewhere else to be.”

With a heavy sigh, I yanked Eclipse back. There was no need for him to threaten David. He was looking out for us while teasing us. It’s how he is. Outside of the comment about Auðr, he had a good point. We should take this somewhere else. Preferably somewhere with a bit more space than this car offered. 

“We’ll move.” I conceded.

I didn’t want to get off Auðr’s lap, but I had to. So, I climbed back into my seat. While I located and put my shirt back on, Auðr put his seat upright. He was still shirtless and so fucking hot, with his hair a mess and tattoos on display. Shit. Is my hair a mess? Probably. Worth it. 

“You can run along now, wolf.” Auðr smiled, fangs showing as he pulled his door closed.

He didn’t give David a chance to say bye. Auðr turned the car back on and pulled back onto the road. I glanced back to see David still standing there, shaking his head. He was far away, but I swear he looked amused before returning to his car. I turned my attention back to my mate. I didn’t know where we were going, and I didn’t care. I was in as long as it was with Auðr, and somewhere we could be uninterrupted. 

“So… where are we going?” I asked after a couple of moments.

“Well, if we want to be somewhere, your pack isn’t going to drop in on us,” Auðr paused, contemplating our destination. 

“We can go to my hotel room.” He offered. “Is that okay with you?”

Alone in a hotel that’s probably nicer than I’ve ever been since he’s here on his record’s dime. Alone in a hotel room with Auðr. So many naughty thoughts popped into my head. I licked my lips, thinking about everything we could do in his hotel room. Would he have brought anyone else to the room? Like before he met me. I mean, I don’t know when the band got to town. Would I want to get frisky in a place where he’d slept with someone else?

“Sage?” Auðr squeezed my thigh. “You’re overthinking. Why don’t you tell me what you’re thinking so I can dispel any inaccuracies.”

I sighed. We’re not even marked, and Auðr was picking up on how I think.

“It’s stupid.” I shook my head.

“If it’s bothering you and causing you to make that face, it’s not stupid. So, tell me.” Auðr assured me.

“Fine. I was just wondering if you’d been in town long enough to have brought other people to your hotel room for sex.” I admitted.

“See. Not stupid. You already know I’ve slept with people before we met.” Auðr said.

“That’s not you telling me no,” I said, looking at him incredulously.

“Relax, Skittles.” Auðr chuckled. “I haven’t slept with anyone since I arrived in Portland. The only people in my room who aren’t hotel staff cleaning have been the band.”

I let out a breath I hadn’t even realized I’d been holding. I knew worrying about something like that was stupid, but I feel better knowing. 

“Thanks. And in that case. Sure, let’s go to your hotel.” I happily agreed now that I wasn’t worried about who else might be in bed with him.

Chapter 19 - Auðr

I don’t like that cop. I don’t need to know him. I don’t care to know him. He cockblocked. He implied that I have an STD or am at least a carrier. I’m a vampire. We can smell tainted blood, and don’t mess around with that. All of that aside, what has put that wolf on my shit list is that he embarrassed and upset Sage with his nonsense. 

I needed space between us and that pack. My hotel room was the most logical destination. We shouldn’t be interrupted there. And while my dick’s priority has been fucking Sage since they climbed on my lap and started grinding themselves against it, sex doesn’t have to happen. If Sage’s interest has fizzled by the time we get to my room, it’ll be fine. Sage did say they are demisexual, so I was not expecting a consistently high libido. 

I didn’t want to start a serious conversation during the drive. Talking about what happens if Sage takes Steelcrest’s offer sounded like a one-way ticket to not getting laid. I turned on the radio to avoid a mood-killing conversation, only to wrinkle my nose at some teenie bopper garbage offending my ears. I went to cut the music, but Sage stopped me.

“Focus on driving. I can handle the tunes.” Sage lightly knocked my hand away from the dial.

“Fine.” I conceded, bringing my hand back to the wheel.

I don’t know much about Sage’s taste in music beyond that they like Immortal Eclipse. From the corner of my eye, I watched them on their phone. They tilted the screen just enough so I couldn’t tell what they were doing. This should be interesting or terrifying. I guess I’ll find out. Sage smiled, proud of whatever playlist they created as they connected their phone to the car’s Bluetooth. 

I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel, enjoying the instrumental intro until I recognized the chord progression seconds before my voice came out of the speakers. I turned to look at Sage as King of the Night, a song from when I played in Velvet during the 1930s. Sage just grinned, laughter in their amber eyes and poorly contained laughter shaking their body.

“When the sun goes down, that’s when I come alive. In the shadows I roam, where the restless survive. I don’t need no light, no bright city glow. ’Cause the moon’s my guide, and the stars, they know.” 

My speaking voice hasn’t changed since I was turned, but my singing voice I control. I never wanted to sound the same when I reinvented myself and the band. So, while I knew it was me, Richie Germaine, my stage name back then, sounded younger compared to how I sang in other bands and even how I sing now. But to a trained or supernatural ear, they’d know it was me. Sage was enjoying this new form of torture.

“Come on, you must know this one.” Sage laughed. 

“Sing a few lines.” Sage nudged me.

“I live for the darkness, where the silence sings. I’m the king of the night, wearin’ shadowed wings. Where the world slows down and the heart beats deep. That’s when I find what I need to keep.”

I sighed, rolling my eyes as the chorus played. Sage pouted, giving me puppy eyes. I wasn’t getting out of this trip down memory lane without singing. So I conceded.

“In the alleyways dim, where the streetlamps flicker low. There’s a rhythm in the dark that only night owls know. I don’t walk with the crowd, I drift on my own. ’Cause the night is my kingdom, and I sit on the throne.” I sang along.

With my voice in line with how I sing for Immortal Eclipse, it made for an interesting duet with my younger self. Sage perked up, not simply amused as they’d been a moment ago. They were intrigued. They likely noticed the difference in my singing voice on the recording and in the car. 

“I live for the darkness, where the silence sings. I’m the king of the night, wearin’ shadowed wings. Where the world slows down and the heart beats deep. That’s when I find what I need to keep.” I continued to sing along, turning to watch the road.

“Let the rest chase the dawn, but I’ll stay where I’m free. In the cool of the night, there’s a place just for me. It’s a world made of whispers, of secrets and flight. And that’s where I find my purpose in the night.” I sang the bridge, ignoring how closely Sage was watching me.

“So let the moonlight shine, and the midnight grow. ’Cause in the arms of the night, I’ll forever go. Yeah, I’m livin’ for the darkness, and I’m home at last. In the arms of the night, I’m free from the past.” I finished the song, glancing at Sage, the words having a new meaning next to me. 

“Wow…” Sage blinked. “How is your voice so different? I expected you to sound the same in Velvet as you do now. You don’t age, so your voice shouldn’t change.”

“It’s tied to my vampirism. One of my powers is something called the deep song. I can influence listeners with my voice, and a subsect is that I can change my singing voice.” I explained. 

“It worked in my favor to make sure that when I had to reinvent myself, I would sound different. Is that a problem?” I asked.

“No, not a problem. Very interesting, in any case. I can’t wait to see how you sounded in the other bands.” Sage smiled as Shinning in the Shadows started to play.

Of my long music career, Stellar Awakening and its glam rock style was the one I regretted. It was so far from what I was about. Silas Reid was publicly not anything like me. Women threw themselves at me in ways they hadn’t in Velvet or Pantheon. It’s likely because the era was so full of sex and drugs. I didn’t care for it, and beyond feeding on a groupie, I’d pass them off to a band member to get fucked while I sought the sexual fulfillment I wanted. There were always men who pretended they were straight ready and willing for a secret rendezvous with a musician. Sometimes, they were even the husbands of the women I passed over to Rune and the boys.

“Am I seriously going to listen to a playlist of my old songs?” I asked.

“I threw some other bands in there, but yep.” Sage grinned. 

I sighed, shaking my head as the song faded and Billie Holiday’s Everything Happens For The Best started playing. I smiled. I remembered Billie fondly. She was a good person with a beautiful voice. I cocked my head slightly as I heard Sage singing along. They weren’t on key, but I wouldn’t expect most people to. It was cute. They know Billie Holiday songs. 

Outside of hearing songs from my old bands, the drive was enjoyable. Sage really, and I mean REALLY, gets into songs. I’m not talking, just singing or bobbing their heads to the beat. I mean full-body dancing in their seat. It was adorable.

“Oooo, the Ritz-Carlton. Fancy.” Sage whistled as I pulled into the parking garage and scanned my room key to get in.

“It’s what the record company booked.” I shrugged as I found a spot. “Let’s head upstairs,” I said, cutting the engine.

Sage was quick to jump out of their side of the car. I chuckled, pulled my shirt back on, and grabbed my fedora from the backseat. Léonel can at least rest easy knowing I didn’t have sex in his rental car. It’s not like he ever pays any additional cleaning fees the times I have. That’s charged to the label. Yet, it doesn’t stop him from lecturing me about it. 

What is the best part of the parking garage under the hotel? You have to be a guest to use the garage. When famous people, not that I truly consider myself very famous, the hotel is careful in keeping away reporters and paparazzi. As much as some things and people are stuck in the stone age, being out as a gay musician isn’t as frowned upon as before.  As such, I didn’t think twice about putting an arm around Sage’s waist as we went inside. 

Sage leaned into me as we passed the front desk. I shot the staff a narrowed gaze as they were about to gossip to each other. I kept Sage tucked against my side as I called the elevator and guided them into the first one to open. I swiped my card and selected the 18th floor. I nodded to the couple and their kid, who stepped in after us. And there went my plans of getting Sage back in the mood on the elevator ride to my room. 

It was a quick ride up. The family exited the elevator at 10, so we were alone for the remaining floors, which wasn’t very long as these elevators moved fast. I smiled when the doors opened, leading Sage into the hall.

“My room is this way,” I said, taking my key card out again.

“Is it weird that I’m nervous but excited to be alone where no one can interrupt us finally?” Sage asked.

“Sounds normal to me. I’m excited to get you alone, too. Nervous? Not as much, but I think that’s because I’m older and more experienced.” I assured Sage with a kiss to their temple before scanning my card and opening the door.

I was ready to finally be alone with Sage. Instead, we walked in to find the lights on and everyone but Léonel sitting on the sectional sofa with a bunch of drunk humans who’d been used as tonight’s meal. Everyone turned to look at us in surprise. My bandmates at least had the sense to look worried. The humans, however, were laughing as they stumbled to stand up. 

“Join the party!” a woman laughed as she stepped forward, only to stumble and spill red wine on the carpet. 

“GET OUT!” I bellowed.

The humans were startled and suddenly sober—well, not sober- under my vocal command. They mechanically grabbed their things and hurried out of the room. 

“We can explain…”Zeke started, but I cut him off.

“Shut up. I don’t want to hear a word from any of you. You will leave whatever key you used to access my room on the table and walk out. We will discuss this tomorrow night when I’m not in a murderous mood.” I instructed.

There was some grumbling, but they walked out, each putting a keycard on the table. They ALL got keys to my room!? Yeah, that shit is not going to fly. I came here to be alone with Sage. They are all going to get an earful from me tomorrow about this bullshit.

Chapter 20 - Sage

I had a lot of fun on the drive over. I was sure I’d like Auðr’s music no matter the genre. And while his glam rock era was a little funny, cause come on, glam rock, it was still him. I found it fascinating that his vampiric ability to use his voice to control people also let him change his voice just enough to sound different for each band. If I didn’t know that each band’s singer was him, I’d never believe it based on audio alone. 

Overall, it was just fun enjoying music with him. It felt so... Normal. And normal isn’t something I’ve ever really felt. Before moving to Portland, I was far from ‘normal’ among the kids I attended school with. I dyed my hair purple, wore weird clothes - their words, not mine - and just acted ‘weird.’ And don’t get me started on how the normies at my old school felt about me being nonbinary and never dressing in a way that was fully feminine or masculine. 

Then we moved here, and life got flipped upside down. Being a hybrid werewolf wasn’t ‘normal’ even to werewolves. At least Bloodmoon was more accepting of me being nonbinary, having purple hair, and my overall fashion choices. Yet, I still didn’t feel normal. I didn’t have the same drive to find my mate as the other kids. I hadn’t even thought about finding a mate till River found out Leo was theirs. Then I became the weird one in my family, which you’d think would be harder given who’s in my family.

‘You were never meant to be normal.’ Eclipse reminded me. 

‘You may not want to think about it, but there is a prophecy about us and our mate. We were always meant to be different because the Goddess wanted us this way. We’re like this so we can be the catalyst for change at Steelcrest. With Auðr, we shall be the change in Steelcrest that André and Aleph Darren brought to Madonie.’ Eclipse went into a lecture.

I half paid attention to my wolf’s words because we’d arrived at the hotel, and the butterflies in my stomach were moving at hummingbird speed, doing aerial feats that left me in knots. I was going to a hotel room with Auðr. I was going to have sex with Auðr. I was going to have sex in general. What if I’m bad at it? He probably already knows I’m an inexperienced virgin. While that, in part, offered me comfort that he shouldn’t hold me to some high standard, it made me feel like I couldn’t satisfy him as someone with experience could. I pushed the thoughts aside and leaned into Auðr as he walked me inside. I’d hoped he’d make a move in the elevator, but that family got on the same elevator and killed that idea. 

My heart beat faster with each step toward Auðr’s hotel room. At least my first time won’t be in a rental car parked on the side of the road. This hotel was nice, and I’m sure his room would be nice. And since it’s a hotel, I didn’t have to give a damn who hears us. It’s not as if things had escalated that far in my room at the house. Sure, it would’ve been payback for having to hear everyone else fucking, but I don’t want to deal with my whole family hearing my first time. 

My excitement about what was about to happen died when the smell of liquor hit my nose. I wrinkled my nose at the sight of the rest of the band sprawled around on the living room furniture with drunk humans hanging on them. I know Rhapsody is sort of with Léonel, but perched in a guy’s lap, licking his neck, didn’t give that vibe. Sure, she could just be feeding, but the dude’s hand was under her skirt. It wasn’t my business what any of them did with people. I only cared what she was doing because Léonel was important to my mate and Leo.

I remained silent as Auðr sent his band and their groupies packing. At least that meant this room was truly supposed to be just his. It wasn’t like a multi-room suite or some shit. That was a relief, though not enough to counter that they all had a key to Auðr’s room. Auðr’s arm around me tightened as he took a deep breath and slowly let it out after the door closed.

“I am truly sorry about them.” Auðr apologized. “They have this habit of thinking everything is communal, especially if one of us has a better room. I’ll speak with management about how freely they give out keycards. It’s not a good look for the hotel, even if it was to my bandmates.”

“It’s… well, it’s not okay. But it’s not your fault.” I sighed. “And I doubt they thought you’d be coming back so soon, or at least with me.”

“I don’t care their reasoning. My not being here is reason enough not to come into my room. I don’t care if my room has a better view or if they have shared suites. They easily could’ve entertained their meals in any of their suites instead of mine. Then they’d have more rooms for privacy if they wanted it.” Auðr sighed, pulling away from me to start cleaning up their mess in the living room.

I frowned and started to help him. They’d trashed the space. I felt bad for the housekeeping. They’d have to try not only to get the wine out of the light gray carpet but also to get the... 

Wait, is that blood? 

I leaned closer to a red stain on the back of the light gray sofa to sniff.

Yeah, that’s blood.

The poor housekeeping staff. I mean, I’d feel bad later for any cleanup they’d be facing after Auðr and I have sex, but this wasn’t something we did. Plus, I’m sure hotels are accustomed to sexual fluids. I know I’m drawing the line at blood stains on the sofa. Maybe that makes me weird, but blood is a bitch to get out of stuff, and that’s a nice sofa. My mom would lose her shit if River, Austin, or I got blood on the furniture. 

“I hope your label is cool with the extra cleaning fees this mess will cost,” I said, tossing an empty bottle of Jim Bean into the bin. 

“Yeah. Albert will make sure it’s handled.” Auðr sighed, tossing some more bottles and broken cups in the trash. “They broke three of the four glasses they stock in the kitchen.”

“Was this…” I gestured to the room. “Normal? Or was it a tantrum cause Daddy got a mate?” I asked. 

“Don’t call me daddy. It’s just… it’s creepy, Skittles.” Auðr shook his head. 

“Fine. I won’t call you that.” I rolled my eyes.

He may not want to be called Daddy, but I sure don’t mind him calling me Skittles. I’ll have to find a nickname for him he likes. I just need to think about it a bit more. I’m sure I’ll find the perfect nickname for him eventually.

“And this isn’t out of the ordinary for any of them, so who the fuck knows. Retiring is looking pretty nice right about now.” He said, rubbing a hand over his face.

‘If you want this to end with sex, change the subject.’ Eclipse said.

“I have an idea.” I declared.

Auðr arched his brow, silently waiting for me to continue.

“No more talking about the band, your possible retirement, or my possible alpha role. We’re just two mates, finally alone in a hotel room. I bet you can think of better and certainly more fun things to do than talk.” I smirked, subtly licking my lips, or I hoped it was subtle. I’m trying to be sexy, not look stupid. 

A slow predator smile spread across Auðr’s face, and fuck if my dick didn’t twitch in my shorts. I was nervous about what the smile meant, but it was a good nervous, if that makes any sense. Auðr didn’t say anything. He didn’t have to. Actions speak louder than words. And whoa…

We went from a foot or so between us to none in a blink. Auðr’s mouth was on mine, his arms wrapping around me as we picked back up with the hot and heavy kissing with ease. I stumbled on my shoes as Auðr walked me toward the bedroom. Our kiss got slightly sloppy as we tried to remove each other’s shirts. Auðr broke the kiss, dropping my shirt to let me take his off first.

I licked my lips as I looked at his bare chest, again finding myself drawn in by the wolf’s eyes. It’s crazy that he’s had a tat of Eclipse for decades before I was born. I shook the thought away, easily distracted by Auðr’s cool fingers grazing my ribs as he pulled my shirt off. Fuck I love how this feels. The sparks of the mate bond. His cool touch on my skin. The calluses he had before becoming a vampire were rough on my skin. 

We were back to kissing once my shirt was off. After nearly taking us both down when I tripped on an ottoman, Auðr picked me up and carried me into the bedroom. I didn’t look around the room. I didn’t care. I could take in the view later. The only view that mattered to me was Auðr, especially as he sat me down on the king-size bed and pulled away.

“Are you sure you want to do this tonight?” Auðr asked, hands on his belt.

I licked my lips, eyes focused on the bulge in his jeans as I nodded.

“My eyes are up here, and I’m gonna need verbal confirmation, Skittles,” Auðr said, tilting my face by the chin.

“Yes. I’m sure I want this. I’m sure I want you.” I assured him.

“You can change your mind at any time,” Auðr assured me, rubbing his thumb over my lips before taking his hand away.

I missed his touch but didn’t complain as I was getting the show of a lifetime. I watched, enraptured, as Auðr removed his belt and unzipped his jeans. 

Fuck me!

The man was freeballing! No boxers. He had no underwear of any kind as he pulled his jeans down. Just pristine pale skin, dark pubic hair, and a hard uncircumcised dick. I’ve mentioned that I don’t think before I act, right? Yep, this was one of those times. After Auðr had stepped out of his shoes and the jeans, I wrapped my hand around his dick. The first cock that wasn’t mine I’ve gotten my hands on. I don’t know why I didn’t expect to be cold like the rest of him, yet I was surprised that it was so hard yet so cold.

“Fuck.” Auðr groaned. “You can grip it harder. Promise you won’t break it.”

I took the encouragement, tightened my grip, and started stroking him. That got me another moan of pleasure from his lips. I’d never seen an uncircumcised cock before, and damn, it was interesting to watch as the foreskin pulled back the harder he got to reveal the tip. Curiosity got the best of me as I leaned forward and licked the newly exposed tip. 

Auðr moaned, his hand finding my hair tugging just a little. In for a penny in for a pound, right? I decided to follow my instincts and every porn I’ve watched and took more in my mouth. It’s a night of firsts, and it starts with me giving my mate a blow job. I don’t generally take instructions well, but Auðr seemed to know how to guide me to do what he liked.

Chapter 21 - Auðr

I went into this knowing Sage was a virgin. I wasn’t sure about most of their sexual past, but I felt safe in my conclusion they were a virgin. I’ve been with my share of virgins. I won’t go into or try to count how many ‘straight’ guys I’ve nailed over the years. While experience has it’s benefits, fucking a virgin is always fun. You get to know you’re the first they’ll experience, so you must bring your A-game. And with Sage, I’ll be their only, so nothing less than my A-game is worthy of them.

This was one of the other great things about virgins. They aren’t set in their ways and take guidance. Honestly, Sage didn’t need much guidance beyond me telling him to grip my cock harder and the occasional adjustment to how his head was titled as he sucked my cock. For someone who has likely never done this before, Sage was a natural. Perhaps their wolf or the mate bond kept Sage in sync with my desires. Whatever it was, if Sage kept this up, I was going to cum.

I started to step back, not ready to cum just yet, but Sage’s mouth chased my cock. I had to tug their hair to stop them gently. I could appreciate the enthusiasm, but we’ve got time, and I had plans, and they didn’t end with a blow job. I chuckled at Sage’s pout as they looked up at me in question. 

“I can think of better places to cum, though your mouth is a tempting option.” I smiled, rubbing my thumb over their bottom lip.

I chuckled again as Sage’s eyes went momentarily wide at realizing what I’d just implied. It was quick because more purple was seeping into Sage’s amber eyes. Eclipse was coming out to play. In my long life, I’ve slept with my share of men but never a werewolf. This should prove interesting. 

“Lay back,” I instructed.

Sage arched their brows but didn’t question me as they lay on the king-size bed. They looked hot against the cream duvet, shirtless, wearing cutoff shorts, fishnet stockings, and combat boots. It was time for those to all come off. Sage propped themselves up on their elbows, watching me as I knelt between their legs. I winked before setting to get off their boots and then reaching for the button on their shorts.

I was curious what sort of underwear Sage would have. I opt for none, but that’s just me. The shorts are a tad too short for regular boxers, but given that Sage doesn’t strictly dress according to either gender norm, the possibilities are endless. I licked my lips as I tugged the denim down, Sage lifting their hips to assist, to reveal black men’s boyshorts featuring cutesy frogs with rainbow mushrooms for hats. I could say men’s because they were obviously designed to accommodate a cock and balls. It was an interesting choice, though I was more interested in what was under them.

“I wasn’t exactly expecting anyone to see my underwear…” Sage half apologized and explained.

“They’re cute, but they’re coming off.” I smiled, pulling them and the fishnet stockings down next.


The bulge I’d felt in the car and saw as I’d been undressing Sage was not all material. I’ve sadly had that happen. It’s not bad. It’s just disappointing when they happen to be smaller than anticipated. Sage certainly delivered on size. I cocked my head, looking at the light blonde pubic hair. The carpet doesn’t match the drapes. However, I still didn’t know if their purple hair was because Sage was a hybrid or their choice.

 I didn’t touch Sage’s dick. I touched around it as I rubbed my hands down their thighs and down the rest of their legs to take off their clothes. Sage was not happy with that bit of teasing, growling low as I ran my hands back up to barely brush against the base of their cock on my way to trace the subtle abs in their otherwise flat stomach. 

“Patience, Sage.” I clicked my tongue.

“Not a virtue I or Eclipse has,” Sage grumbled.

I chuckled, giving Sage what they wanted in my own way as I swirled my tongue around their tip before taking it all in. 

“Oh fuck!” Sage moaned.

I know I give good head. I’ve been at it for over a century. I was pulling out all the tricks: swirling, licking, and nipping, driving Sage crazy. I locked eyes with Sage as I took their cock out of my mouth and licked my index finger. Sage’s eyes were an equal blend of purple and amber as their pupils dilated in understanding. 

“Want me to stop?” I asked, giving Sage the chance to back out.

“Don’t stop,” Sage growled, their voice overlapping with their wolf.

I smiled and went back to sucking their dick, letting them relax and forget all about my finger. As soon as I felt they had forgotten about my finger, I started working it in. Sage’s hips bucked at first in surprise, but then it was to get me to go deeper faster. At least they were eager. That was a good sign. If they hadn’t reacted well to anal play, I’d be fine with bottom. I just prefer top. I picked up speed as I fingered Sage’s ass in time with how I was sucking their cock, adding a second finger as I went. 

Sage was moaning and growling in pleasure as their hands gripped the bedding. The label will have to add replacement bedding to the damages. I heard Sage’s claws rip the fabric when they shouted my name as they came in my mouth. I hadn’t expected Sage to last long, and while I hadn’t wanted to cum in their mouth, I was more than okay with them coming in mine since I’d still get their ass.

“I… shit… wow…” Sage said between catching their breath.

“Fun isn’t over unless you tell me you want it to be.” I smiled, licking my lips clean as I stood up and took my fingers out. 

Sage sat up a little, eyes hazy and face flushed from their orgasm. Their eyes traveled the length of my body and stopped at my dick and licked their lips.

“You’ve not orgasmed. So, yeah, we aren’t done. Just tell me where and how you want me.” Sage nodded. “I don’t want to be a selfish mate.”

“All you need to do is move up the bed and relax, Skittles,” I instructed.

Sage scrambled up the bed with a giggle, eager for what would happen next. I followed them onto the bed, reaching for the nightstand. I may not have brought anyone back to this hotel room since checking in, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t unpack and prepare for the possibility of getting someone here. I took out a new bottle of lube and a new box of condoms.

“Someone was prepared. Or do they stock that for you? Tucking it in next to the standard bible?” Sage laughed. 

“I’m always prepared.” I winked. “I wouldn’t trust anyone else to buy my supplies. It’s too great of a risk of being tampered with.” 

“That’s smart, though tampering with a condom would be a bigger risk for the straight members of the band,” Sage said.

“And no more of that subject.” I shook my head.

I leaned over Sage and kissed them to stop that conversation. Talking about my band and anything related to them or my prior sex life are all not topics of conversation while trying to have sex. Sage didn’t protest the change of topic or that I used a kiss to get us back on track. Their arms wrapped around my neck, pulling me closer and deepening the kiss. I’m dexterous enough and able to multi-task. While we kissed, I got a condom on and used the lube on Sage. 

Our kiss muffled Sage’s moan as I entered them. I went slowly, it was their first time, after all, but damn, it felt good even with the condom. I wanted to go faster and harder, but I wanted this to be a good experience for Sage, not just me. Occasionally I’ll admit I’m a selfish fuck. Those were groupies, and I’d never seen them again. They were there to check ‘fucked a celebrity/musician’ off a list. I was there to get off. 

Sage is forever. I took my time. I kept a rhythm that Sage could match, changing it when Sage gave cues they wanted more—nonverbal cues like digging their claws into my shoulders and verbal cues like right now.

“Oh fuck. Auðr! Harder! Faster! Please… more.” Sage moaned, raising their hips faster, encouraging me to change my pace.

“If you think you can handle it.” I teased, nipping their neck before pulling back to kneel for a better angle and more control.

While this offered less skin-to-skin contact, and we couldn’t kiss, it certainly provided a great view. I watched Sage as they tried to keep up with the new pace. I watched the purple of their wolf in their eyes as they growled in satisfaction. I reached between us, finding their freshly hard cock, and jerked them off in rhythm of my hips. Watching Sage climax with my name on their lips was possibly better than finally getting my orgasm.

“Wow…” Sage licked their lips after I’d pulled out. “Is it always going to be like that?”

“I mean, it can be. Though I’d like to think we’d change it up.” I shrugged, throwing out the condom before joining Sage on the bed.

“Like switching who’s topping?” Sage asked as they snuggled into my side. 

“Sure. I’m fine with switching.” I nodded, bringing my arm around them to cuddle.

The only person I’ve cuddled in the last hundred years had been Agustín, who was the closest to a commitment as I got, and that was more a fuck buddies deal. He’s going to give me so much shit when he hears I’ve got a werewolf mate. His mom, Albert, and Caleb will too. Unlike my band, they’ll at least only tease me in a good-natured way. 

“I know you told your family you’d be back. Did you want to lie here for a while and have me drive you back?” I asked, breaking the comfortable silence we’d fallen into.

When Sage didn’t answer, I realized they’d fallen asleep. I carefully got out of bed and found my phone. I sent a quick test to Léonel asking him to inform Sage’s family they’d be home tomorrow as they’d fallen asleep in my room. With the text sent, I switched my phone to silent, ensured the blinds were securely closed, and returned to bed with Sage. Sage and I could discuss our future and how to handle the band and Steelcrest tomorrow. Till then, I’ll enjoy the peace of Sage in my arms.

Chapter 22 - Sage

Waking up naked wasn’t exactly new for me. Waking up naked with someone else? Yeah, that was new. Initially, I’d been able to freak out till I smelled Auðr’s scent of black currant wine, patchouli, and soothing vanilla. I’d stayed in bed smiling like a fool, just enjoying being in his arms and realizing that this would be my life no matter our path. I could wake up in hotels around the world, traveling with him and his band, by whatever name they called themselves. Or I could be waking up in our bed in Steelcrest face each day as Alpha and Aleph together. 

After a while, I got out of bed, threw on my underwear, and went into the rest of the room. I checked my messages and smiled when I realized Auðr had notified my family that I was staying with him. There wasn’t anything to eat in the kitchen, so I ordered room service. I’ll offer to pay for it when Auðr wakes up. They automatically charged it to the room, and I didn’t want to get in trouble with his label just because I got hungry. 

The only person, other than room service, to knock at the door during the day was Léonel, and that was to drop off a bag of clothes and my charger that my mom told him to bring me. I appreciated that Mom thought to send me an overnight bag, though I was most happy she sent the charger. My phone was almost dead by the time Léonel dropped my bag off. Léonel didn’t stick around to try to make small talk. 

I appreciated that because if he had, I’d probably tell him about walking into the room last night to find the band with some groupies, including a guy with his hand under Rhapsody’s skirt. I didn’t want to be the person who blows up their relationship or who made a mountain out of a molehill. I didn’t know shit about their relationship. For all I knew, it was an open relationship, and they could fuck around with whoever they wanted. If that was the case, she did nothing wrong, and I’d look like an idiot. 

So I spent the day in Auðr’s hotel room, loving the killer view of Mount Hood, the mountain not my quiet werewolf town, watching TV and playing on my phone. Could I have gotten an Uber, asked Léonel for a ride, or called someone from my family to get me? Sure, but then Auðr would wake up to me gone, and I didn’t want that. Plus, hanging around his hotel room meant enjoying the use of the spalike bathroom and, of course, poking my head into the bedroom now and then to look at him sleeping naked on top of the covers. 

I’m not weird. You’re weird. Watching my mate sleep naked isn’t strange. He’s fucking gorgeous, and if you had someone half as hot sleeping naked in the other room, you’d look too. Don’t deny it. You’re all pervs. You’re reading this, after all. 

“You stayed all day?” Auðr’s sleepy voice was almost as sexy as the voice he used last night when he was telling me what to do.

I dropped my phone and smiled, looking at him. He’d thrown on a pair of black boxers, but that’s all. Damn, he’s fine. Would it sound too eager to ask him to go back to bed for more sex? He probably wants to eat, not fuck. I mean, we could do both. He could feed on me while we fuck.

“I’d ask why you’re looking at me like I’m your dinner, but I think I can figure it out.” Auðr winked as he strolled over and sat on the sofa next to me.

“Does that mean you’re up for my idea? And, of course, I stayed. I didn’t want you to wake up and find me gone. Plus, I didn’t want to go home where I’d be asked a million questions about us, our night together, and what we’ll do about Steelcrest.” I sighed. 

“I can’t blame you. Besides, we still needed to devise a plan for dealing with Steelcrest and my band. And just let me get some blood in me, and I’ll be ready for another ground.” Auðr winked, putting his arm across the back of the sofa behind me.

“You could always feed on me.” I offered, biting my bottom lip, nervous at making the offer after he rejected it previously.

“Sage…” Auðr sighed. 

“You don’t have to.” I quickly said. “I remember what you said last time.”

“It’s not that. I’m just really hungry and wouldn’t want to risk drinking that much from you.” Auðr assured me, rubbing at my shoulder through my tee.

“So what you’re saying is I’m a snack, not a meal?” I asked.

“Something like that.” Auðr chuckled, turning my face towards his for a kiss. “A very tasty snack.”

I chuckled, wishing it had been more than a quick kiss. I won’t complain because I got to watch Auðr’s boxer-clad ass walk to the fridge that was only stocked with liquor and blood. It should be weird and not a turn-on watching him wink his fangs into a blood bag and suck it like a vampiric caprice sun. It should be, but it’s not. It’s a total turn-on for me. Mostly because it makes me remember how Auðr sucked my cock last night. 

“Ahh… better.” Auðr sighed after his second blood bag. 

“Now then. Before we deal with the tent pole in your pants.” He nodded to my crotch, where I was very obviously sporting wood. 

“We should focus and come up with a plan. I know the idea of business before pleasure is a generally uncommon thing to me, but in this case, it’s necessary.” Auðr sighed as he returned to the sofa.

“But I like the idea of pleasure and just ignoring business.” I pouted. “Fine. What do you want to start with? Your band or the geezers from Steelcrest?”

“In defense of calling them geezers, I’m older than them.” Auðr pointed out.

“Yeah, but they look it.” I scoffed.

“Fine. Let’s start with them since how we handle that will influence how I handle the band.” Auðr said. 

“Okay. I… I don’t know what to do with them. Part of me wants to take it. Eclipse is so certain we were made for this and that we can do it with you. The idea of taking over and making changes to a pack that kicked my pregnant grandma out sounds like a fun retribution.” I started.

“And the other part?” Auðr asked.

“Is terrified as fuck. I have no idea how to be a leader. I wouldn’t even know where to start, and these guys want us to start like yesterday or, I guess, at the next blood moon.” I frowned.

“If the timeline was further out. Say December when there’s another blood moon. Would that change anything?” Auðr asked.

“Maybe. But what would I do in the meantime? It’s not like there are college classes on how to be a pack leader, and humans totally have a different idea of what an Alpha is.” I said.

“While I’m sure plenty of political courses focus on leadership. I was thinking more of a crash course shadowing Logan. I mean, if he’d be down for it. If you shadowed Logan and his people for the next six months, would you feel more confident in handling things?” Auðr asked.

“If I learned about leading a pack from Alpha Logan, Beta John, Gamma Charles, and Delta Silvercloud?” I blinked, not having considered that. 

“Yeah. I think I would.” I nodded.

“If I’m gonna be an Alpha, I want to be one like Alpha Logan. While I’m doing that, what would you be doing?” I asked. 

“For starters I’d finish this tour and work on doing all the publicity needed to retire Immortal Eclipse. And maybe I’d see if I could shadow Dani.” He shrugged.

“Shadow Dani? Why her and not Luna Aurelia?” I blinked since the first part all made sense.

“Because Dani is the only vampire with experience being part of a werewolf pack as a ranked member,” Auðr explained. “Aurelia could teach me on supporting you, I guess, though I’ve got over a century of experience running shit. Dani’s experience living and working among werewolves as a vampire would be more valuable.”

“So if Steelcrest and Alpha Logan agree to these terms, will we do this? You’ll settle down with me on the east coast in Canada?” I asked.

“We’re mates. I’ve accepted that. Canada, Oregon, it doesn’t matter where we are, Sage, as long as we’re there together. And if they don’t like our terms, we walk. The band and I will still take time off to let the dust settle from Immortal Eclipse before forming something new.” Auðr assured me, squeezing my hand.

“Sounds like we have a plan. Business handled. Sooo does that mean pleasure is an option?” I asked, smiling as I climbed onto his lap.

I got my answer in action instead of words. I love it when Auðr talks, but even more when he doesn’t use words. I could deal with business as long as it always ended in the kind of pleasure Auðr gave me. We went from making out and getting handsy on the sofa to the bed, where we went two rounds. I tried being top in the first round. It was fun. I won’t deny that. It felt damn good to fuck him, but I prefer to be fucked by him. 

Chapter 23 - Sage

After we’d had our fun, including an exchange of blowjobs in the shower, we got dressed, and he called his band to his room. I sat anxiously in a chair as the band walked in and sat on the sectional sofa. Léonel was the only one with a smile for me, though he didn’t look happy otherwise. Was he going to be upset about the news, or was he unhappy about something else? 

“All right. Let’s get to business. Immortal Eclipse has run its course.” Auðr started. 

Rune opened his mouth but shut it when Auðr glared at him.

“We have been at this for twenty years. You all know how this goes. We aren’t aging, and people are noticing.” Auðr said, tossing a few gossip magazines about what surgeries they had to stay young. “We need to hang it up and step out of the limelight like before.”

“So when things settle, we’ll start a new band? Like before,” Rune asked.

“You are free to do that. However..” Auðr looked at me with a smile. 

“Sage has a prophecy, one I’m part of. One that connects to my tattoos. It’s to be an Alpha in a small pack on Prince Edward Island. We have terms we’ll take to their elders, demanding we be given till the blood moon in December to take over. In that time, Sage will shadow Logan and his people while I wrap things up for Immortal Eclipse, and I will shadow Dani to see how a vampire functions in a pack.” He outlined.

“I knew it,” Rune shouted, standing up and knocking over the coffee table. “You’ve mated up, even if you aren’t marked, and are going to abandon us like everyone in our mortal lives did.”

“That’s not true!” I shouted, standing up. 

“Auðr isn’t abandoning anyone. Sure, he won’t be able to font a new band like my Aleph. But he’s not ditching any of you. He’d never do that. He’d always be a phone call away.” I said, starting to rant.

“I’d be happy to ensure we have a place in Steelcrest for all of you. You could even join the pack and come and go as you need. Don’t you see? If we become Alpha and Aleph, you’ll have a permanent home. You’d have more than just Auðr and each other. You’d have me and the pack as your family.” I said. 

Rune blinked, stunned back into his seat. Auðr smiled and took my hand.

“See. Finding Sage doesn’t make things worse for any of us. It can and will make things better for all of us.” Auðr said. “So? Are there any other outbursts? You don’t have to Sage’s offer to come to Steelcrest. You’re always free to do what you want, and I’ll always be there when you need me.”

“I won’t be going, Uncle,” Léonel said. 

“If Immortal Eclipse ends, I’m going to retire. Maybe ask Logan if I can join Bloodmoon. Be closer to my kid. I want to get to know them and be around should they and River start a family.” He said, glancing cautiously at Rhapsody. “Even if it’ll be alone. I can handle alone if I get to be near my kid.”

“I can respect that. And we’re family; you’re stuck with me anyway. And since Leo is mated to River, you can’t escape seeing me at family events.” Auðr teased.

“I want to stay.” Rhapsody declared. “If Léonel will be okay with it. I want to stay with him. I don’t care if he ever wants to be marked as my mate. I want to stay with him. I may never give him a kid, but I can get to know his and offer what guidance I can from living as long as I have.”

Everyone looked stunned at her declaration: everyone but Auðr. Auðr smiled and nodded.

“You do what you need to, Rhapsody. I’ll let you and Léonel talk through the logistics of that.” He said. “What about you three?”

“I…” Zeke looked at the others. 

“We’ll figure it out when we’ve closed out the band,” Zeidan said.

“That’s fine. Take the time you need.” Auðr said. “You can go do whatever you had planned for the night. And that doesn’t include partying in my room.”

“Come on, let’s leave Auðr and Sage to their business. We’re only the first stop on their list.” Léonel nudged the others to leave the room. “Good luck with Logan and the Steelcrest elders,” Léonel said, stopping at the door.

“Good look figuring things out with Rhapsody. She’s a good kid, and you are too.” Auðr smiled, patting Léonel’s shoulder before shutting the door. 

“Check my band off the list. Let’s get you back home and see about a meeting with Logan and those Steelcrest guys.” Auðr said.

“I’ll text Alpha Logan so it’s in writing rather than just the pack link.” I nodded, grabbing my phone as we headed out.

Sage: Alpha Logan? Could we meet? Auðr and I have decided, but we have conditions I want to discuss with you before the Steelcrest elders.

I didn’t expect a fast reply, so I was surprised that he responded a few minutes later.

Alpha Logan: Are you heading to your family’s house now?

Sage: We’re driving there now. If you can’t meet tonight, that’s okay.

Alpha Logan: It’s fine. I’ll have to bring Rose and CJ. Aurelia is helping at the ranch.

Sage: I’m sure my parents will happily host you and the heirs.

Alpha Logan: Very well. I’ll see you there. I’ll also have Kevin bring the Steelcrest elders from his city to meet you. 

Sage: Thank you, Alpha Logan.

“Okay. We’re all set. Alpha Logan will meet us at my parents’ house and have Mr. Delaney bring Steelcrest down.” I said, pocketing my phone.

“Remember, if they don’t agree, it’s not the end of the world. Same with if they do agree.” Auðr smiled, squeezing my hand.

“True. Either way, we’ll be fine.” I agreed, turning some music on for the drive. 

When we arrived, I wasn’t surprised to see a red SUV in the driveway. It must be Alpha Logan’s. Peering through the backseat window confirmed that. I could see the booster seats for the heirs and a mess of snacks, juice boxes, and toys. I love how normal our heirs are raised. While kids aren’t something I’ll have to worry about with a male mate, the normalcy Alpha Logan creates is part of why I’d want to learn to be an alpha from him.

“Sage!” Mom rushed me, pulling me into a hug the moment we were inside. “Alpha Logan is here and says you made your decision. You weren’t going to talk it over with us?”

“Erin…” Dad sighed, pulling her back a little. “Sage is all grown up. They even have a mate now. Sage will be making decisions with Auðr from now on.”

“I know. I just… Austin and River’s life choices didn’t mean possibly moving across the country from me.” Mom frowned.

“Miss Carlisle, let’s all sit down, and we can explain our decision,” Auðr suggested. 

“Sounds like a good plan. The kids can only occupy little Rose and CJ for so long in the yard.” Dad smiled, guiding Mom to the living room, where Alpha Logan was waiting.

I looked out the patio doors and smiled. I’d miss my family if we moved, especially in such moments. Watching Austin and River in their wolves being chased around the yard by Rose and CJ, with Suzie and Leo encouraging the heirs. It was cute and wholesome. I’m sure Suzie and Leo will have pups sooner rather than later, and it’ll be my nibblings out there playing and filling the house with laughter. 

“So? What’s the decision?” Logan asked, getting straight to it.

“We’ll do it. But on our terms.” I said, turning to face him.

“And your terms?” Logan arched his brow.

“First, they have to wait till the December blood moon. Neither of us is at a point where we’re ready to mark, let alone lead a pack.” I said.

“Reasonable.” Logan nodded. “What else?”

My train of thought was interrupted by the door. Dad smiled and quietly excused himself to get the door. My anxiety jumped ten notches as he led the Steelcrest elder and Sub-Beta Kevin into the living room.

“What have we missed?” Joar asked.

“Sage and Auðr were detailing their terms for accepting their part in the prophecy to be your new Alpha and Aleph. So shut your mouths and open your ears.” Logan stated. “What else do you want beyond to wait till the December blood moon?”

“December, but…” Elton started to protest but shut up quickly when Logan turned red eyes at him. 

“Waiting till December is key for both of us,” Auðr said. “I need to handle things with my band. We were already at our twenty-year mark, so we’ve discussed retiring Immortal Eclipse after this tour.”

“And we need to learn how to function in these new roles,” I said. 

“We will, of course, train you.” Svein nodded.

“I don’t want you to train me. You may be elders, but you are not alphas. And the prophecy said we would unite Steelcrest like never before. We can’t do that if we follow the old ways you’d want to teach me.” I shook my head.

“Then what was your plan, Sage?” Logan asked.

It probably wasn’t necessary, but I bowed to him and put my hands together. 

“I would greatly appreciate it if you would train me, Alpha Logan. If I must become an alpha, I want to be one like you. I want to be an alpha my pack can approach, an alpha they can depend on,” I said.

“Steelcrest elders, can you agree to your future Alpha and Aleph’s terms?” Logan asked.

“I… we…” Joar stammered before nodding. “If it is the will of our next Alpha, then we accept.”

“Good. Then looks like I’ll have a purple-haired shadow for the next few months.” Logan declared. “Rule one, kid, stand up straight. You don’t need to bow to me.”

I grinned, standing up. It was all coming together. The band accepted Auðr’s plans for life after Immortal Eclipse. And now Steelcrest and Alpha Logan have accepted our terms for becoming Alpha and Aleph. I know it’s going to be hard work. It will be harder work than I’ve ever faced, but I’ll have Auðr and many others rooting for me and helping me through it all. So, I knew I’d manage.

Epilogue Part One- Auðr

Six months sounds like a long time on paper. When you’re living it, however, it’s a different story. It felt like I blinked, and time was nearly up. Retiring Immortal Eclipse took me two months, including finishing our tour. I’m an old hat at this, so the transition was smooth. I’d spoken to Albert. He knew this was coming, not the Sage part. That was a shock to him.

Albert had figured we were hitting that limit of being in public without all the speculation about our immortality. As such, the label already had everything ready. They did all the media release that Immortal Eclipse has retired, and band members thank their fans for all their years of being fans and hope they will respect their privacy as they transition to civilian life. This time was going to be different from past decades. I wasn’t going to return to music as a profession. 

I wasn’t the only one retiring permanently. As much as the rest of the Darby family wanted Léonel to return to les Ombres Sanctifiées, he wouldn’t budge. Leo was in Bloodmoon, and that’s where he wanted to be. Logan allowed him and Rhapsody to join the pack. They’re building a place in some subdivision, Kav-something Glen. Léonel wanted to ensure all the windows were specially made so Rhapsody would be safe even if the sun were out and she went past a window. So, they’re renting an apartment in the pack and spending time with Leo and River. 

The boys are still undecided on what they’ll do in the long run. For now, Rune, Zeke, and Zeidan have set off to travel the world. They still call me almost nightly. They are always checking up on me, or that’s what they claim. I don’t think their calls are about making sure I’m okay. It’s more them wanting to know I’ll always answer. Outside of the few times that their calls overlapped with Sage and I fucking I’ve answered. I called them back after. The whole band will be together in Steelcrest tomorrow for Sage and my official ceremony.

Sage has come a long way in the last six months. That’s not me saying they couldn’t pull off being an Alpha. That’s me saying having these past months to study under Logan and his crew has improved Sage’s confidence in their ability ten-fold. It also helped I added a condition a month in that the Steelcrest heirs be sent to Bloodmoon. The elders weren’t thrilled about that idea. I told them I didn’t give a fuck if they liked the idea because it’s what was going to happen.

There was no way Sage could walk in and run shit with middle-aged wolves set in their way as their core subordinates. Sage also couldn’t walk in and run things with the young bloods trained by their dads and without any rapport with Sage. I wasn’t letting Sage walk into the deck stacked against them. So begrudgingly, the heirs were sent to Bloodmoon to learn under the Bloodmoon leaders alongside Sage. 

The Beta Heir, Christian Isaksen, is a twenty-year-old brunette boy with a gentle personality. The Gamma Heir, Elton Almstedt II, is an eighteen-year-old blonde jokester of the trio. The Delta Heir, Otto Akselsen, is a nineteen-year-old broody raven-haired boy. They’d been apprehensive about us, especially me, when we first met them. It took a few days to dispel preconceived notions based on what their fathers and most grandfathers told them about us and Bloodmoon. Despite their different personalities, it was good to see them start to bond with Sage over the months.

Christian took to shadowing John with ease. That was an easy pairing, for sure. Charles had his hands full with Elton as his shadow, but as Charles could handle Silvercloud, he knew how to deal with Elton. I think Otto had the hardest time because Silvercloud is… well, I’m a hundred twenty-eight years old, and I can’t say I’ve met anyone like him. I’m sure Silvercloud actively sought to break Otto’s grumpy exterior like he broke Logan’s. I’ve seen how grumpy Logan can appear and how different he acts with people close to him, including Silvercloud.

Of course, none of the heirs have mates, so I’ll be running solo with backup from the boys’ mothers till they are mated. I haven’t met these ladies yet. I’m supposed to meet them tonight at the dinner, welcoming us to Steelcrest. I wonder how they’ll feel taking instructions from a vampire. Months of studying being a ranked vampire of a werewolf pack with Dani has shown me there will always be someone who looks down on you because of your species. Dani thinks I’ll experience it less as Aleph, but I won’t be surprised when I face a lot of similar pushback simply for being a vampire. 

Everyone traveling from Bloodmoon arrived late last night. There weren’t any meet and greets as jet lag may be a bitch on most it’s worse on vampires when we go from the West to the East Coast. We got to Bird Island, a small island in Malpeque Bay, where the Steelcrest pack is the only residence, a couple of hours before sunrise. We were all spent and eager to rest after all the traveling. I don’t remember much about the room we were shown to. All that mattered was the blackout blinds were drawn, and there was a bed to collapse on. 

“Wake up.” Sage nudged me.

I grunted, rolling away in response.

“Auðr… Doudou…” Sage sweetly called to me, kissing my shoulder.

I regret bringing him to the Darby plantation. Sage heard one of the little ones call their tedding their doudou, and once they found out it meant cuddly toy, it was like a slight switch in their brain. I’ve been called Doudou for the last four months, mostly when Sage wants something and thinks they can sweet-talk me into giving in. It only works some of the time. Now isn’t such a time.

“It’s our mating night. The sun has set, and in like four hours, the blood moon eclipse will begin.” Sage said.

“Mmm… then wake me in four hours,” I grumbled.

“Nope.” Sage popped the p. 

Yeah, they spent too much time around Logan, so they picked up some of his dialect inflections. It’s annoying when Logan does it, but it’s cute when Sage does it. I sighed and rolled to look at Sage.

“Why not?” I asked.

“Because we have the big pack meet and greet. Everyone else is already getting ready, and the pack has set up the big hall for a dinner welcoming us. And plenty of blood will be on hand for you and the guys.” Sage smiled.

I sighed, sitting up, and noticed Sage was dressed. They opted to re-wear their outfit from their parents’ wedding in October. Sage still looked hot and gender confusing to strangers in the layered black brocade and lace asymmetrical skirt, high neck white lace puffed sleeve blouse accented by their black and amethyst brocade corset vets. My outfit was hanging on the door. It was the same except I would be wearing pants and a men’s white dress shirt. I’m already a gay vampire. I’m not playing into the bad Hollywood view of vampires as sparkly-skinned or wearing puffy sleeves. 

“Fine. Let me shower and get dressed. No better expect me to be social and perky before I’ve had at least one blood bag.” I grumbled, throwing back the covers.

“Perish the thought.” Sage giggled, turning the light on.

I narrowed my eyes as I looked around the bedroom, wrinkling my nose at the blue walls, the mural that wrapped around the room between the wall and the recessed ceiling, the lattice on the walls by the patio doors, and the gold naked-ish woman chandelier. I know it’s impolite to speak ill of the dead—oh, I hope whoever designed this place’s interior is dead—but wow, this is the first thing I’m changing. I didn’t say anything. I just got out of bed and found my way to the bathroom, only to shout in surprise to see an under-the-sea mural in our bathroom.

“Are you okay?” Sage asked.

“Yeah. Just… whoever decorated this place is all kinds of wrong.” I shuddered.

“Awe, I like it. It’s cute.” Sage smiled.

“I love you and accept that you have weird tastes. But this…” I pointed at the mural in the bathroom and the bedroom. “Isn’t staying if I am.”

“Fine. Now hurry up. I don’t wanna miss our party.” Sage rolled their eyes, leaving to let me shower and get ready. 

It wasn’t long before we were escorted to the first floor, where the party was being held in a large banquet hall whose decor was like our bedroom, an acquired taste. There are many stained glass windows of nature scenes, mostly featuring wolves. Some stained glass featured a woman in the sky, so I assume it was their depiction of their Goddess. So, I won’t knock the stained glass. The hall otherwise, I had to say I was impressed. Based on our bedroom and bathroom decor, I’d been worried about what kind of party these wolves would throw. 

At least ninety tables were draped in dark purple and gold tablecloths, with low bouquets of white and purple flowers as the centerpieces. The walls were draped with the same dark purple fabric with gold accents between the stained glass windows and doors to the terraces. Hanging from the ceiling were gold lights shaped like stars, and a large full moonlight was in the center. The whole room had a very fantasy world vibe, as if they were planning to host their Goddess herself rather than their new Alpha and Aleph. 

“Whoa. This is gorgeous.” Sage softly gasped as they looked around. 

“Someone apparently has taste and didn’t decorate the rest of the house,” I whispered.

“That would be my mom.” Christian smiled as he snuck up on us, carrying two glasses. 

“She lives to throw a party, and when I was asked what colors you like…” He shrugged, offering me the glass of what I knew was blood by smell alone. “Some liquid life for my Alpeh and liquid courage for my Alpha.” He smiled, offering Sage a glass of regular wine. 

I eagerly took the glass. I needed some blood asap if I was going to get through this party. Sage just as eagerly took their glass of wine and took a tentative sip before smiling brightly.

“Is this… black currant wine?” Sage blinked.

“Elton may have mentioned to his mom that you said it’s what your mate smells like to you. She was in charge of food and refreshments.” Christian said.

“How hospitable,” I muttered before downing the rest of my glass. “I’m going to find some more blood and my guests. Can’t have Rune starting fights too early on into the party.”

“The vampires are at the bar where we’re keeping the blood stocked.” Christian pointed in the direction.

“Thanks.” I nodded. “I’ll be back,” I assured Sage and kissed them before going in search of blood.

I may not fully trust being in Steelcrest yet. I doubt everyone here will be thrilled at the change of leadership. However, Sage can handle themselves. Christian, while a native Steelcrest wolf, has shown himself loyal to Sage’s claim to the title. He won’t let anyone mess with my mate in my absence.

Epilogue Part Two- Sage

I know I should be focused on socializing and getting to know the people of Steelcrest. After all, tonight is my introduction to them, and tomorrow, I’ll take my oath as their Alpha. Yet, I couldn’t keep my eyes off Auðr, eager for tonight and our official mating. Sure, we’ve had lots of sex these last few months. It’s not the same, in any case. 

“You know staring at him isn’t going to make him suddenly come back.” Elton taunted as he joined Christian and me, with Otto in tow. 

“Ready for the torment of a Steelcrest social event?” Otto asked in their typical bored emo-esk tone. 

Some might think his broody exterior is just a front, but it’s not. At least not that I’ve seen. Christian and Elton have also told me Otto was like this, even as kids. It’s just who he is. Otto’s not opposed to having fun, or what Otto calls fun. He’s a stealth mischief maker. We bonded over politics, and he helped plan and execute a few anti-protests back in Portland when misogynistic fascists fucks dared to think their opinions and perspective of the bible should usurp someone’s autonomy. 

“I’d rather be upstairs mating with Auðr.” I shrugged, sipping my wine. 

“Color us not surprised.” Elton laughed. 

“Come on, Alpha. Let’s introduce you to the old timers and some people of note before they come to find you.” Christian suggested, nudging me.

I sighed, relenting as I let the guys lead me around to meet people. I tried to pay attention to the names and faces of people. I really did, but honestly, it was in one ear and out the other. I kept looking for Auðr. Like me, he was in social hell, being introduced to various pack members. The only difference was that I had my ranked guys with me while he had his band members. 

As I looked around the crowded room, trying to see or at least scent my mate, I turned to face the current, soon-to-be-retired, ranked males. I’ve met them and am about as impressed with them as I was with their dads. AKA, not in the least. The only thing we agree on is that Dane was a scumbag. 

“What in the name of the Goddess are you wearing?” Sten, Christian’s dad, asked, folding his arms in disapproval.

“Clothes. You know, like what most people wear in settings where nudity is frowned upon.” I smiled.

“I know they are clothes. I meant that.” Sten pointed at my skirt like it was some revealing or offensive thing.

“A skirt. What kind of education did you receive not to know a skirt when you see it?” I asked, wrinkling my nose.

I could see Sten was ready to make another comment, but the sound of reverb from a microphone cut him off as everyone turned their attention. I turned, smiling as I saw it wasn’t the elders on the stage but Auðr and his band. I ignored Sten and the others, making my way to be front and center by the stage. I wondered what song or songs they were going to play for us. I expected a familiar song but didn’t recognize it as the band started playing something fast and upbeat.

“I saw you like a flash, purple skittle in the storm. Colors on fire, your spirit so warm. 

You’re the chaos, the spark that breaks the mold. And I’m the steady beat to your heart of goooold.” Auðr belted out the words, winking at me.

This is a new song. He wrote a new song. He wrote a new song about ME. 

“Taste the rainbow, mutha fucka!” Everyone in the band shouted.

“You shouted so loud. Bringing warmth to my cold in that wild-hearted crowd. You’re the chaos, I’m the rock, but somehow, we blend. Finding heat in the balance, lovers ‘til the eeeennnnnd” Rhapsody joined Auðr in the chorus.

“I thought I was fine, kept my heart on ice. Didn’t know I was frozen till I saw your light. Wrapped up in your storm, I don’t wanna leave. You’re the fire in my veins, helping me believe.” Auðr continued signing, bobbing his head to the beat.

“Taste the rainbow, mutha fucka!” The whole band sang.

“With a grin so sly. You bring the passion. You’re the warmth in my sky. Purple skittle in a world so gray. Your chaos completes me in every way.” Auðr and Rhapsody sang another chorus.

“They said I was ice, too cold to melt. But you broke through showed me what love felt. You’re the candy, the heat, my colorful spark. Bringing sweetness and fire into my heart.” Auðr winked at me.

“Taste the rainbow, mutha fucka!” The band sang. 

“A battle cry bright. You’re my purple skittle, my sweet, my light. With your warmth in my veins, I know I’m alive. Side by side, we burn, and we thrive.” Rhapsody and Auðr sang. 

“So here’s to the wild, the fearless, the free. You’re my chaos, my love, the fire I need. 

We’re hand in hand, love. In this world, we collide. I’m your rock, you’re my storm—we’re the perfect tide.” Auðr repeated the outro three times as the music slowly faded out. 

I whistled and applauded enthusiastically, eyes locked on my mate. I wasn’t the only one clapping. Almost everyone in the hall was clapping. I say almost because the geezers and their sons were standing by stone-faced. Fuck ‘em if they don’t know good music when they hear it. The elders took this moment to decide to get on stage. When Joar reached to take the from Auðr, he got shut down by a hiss from Rune as he stepped in Joar’s way.

“Step off,” Rune said, pointing Joar away. “This is Auðr’s show, not yours.”

It looked like old man Elton and Svein were going to back Joar, but Zeke and Zeidan moved to blank Rune with arms folded. Sten, middle-aged Elton, and Jöran tried to get the mic from the other side, but Rhapsody and Léonel stopped them. Auðr looked amused at his band taking point as bodyguards. 

“Ladies and gentlemen. Boys and girls. Wolves and vampires.” Auðr went into his showman routine, getting everyone’s attention. 

“Some of you know me, while some of you don’t. I’m Auðr Darby, Steelcrest’s first Aleph. I’m sure this isn’t how things are done here, but times are changing, and getting on board is in everyone’s best interest.” Auðr glanced at the elders and their sons in warning on the last line. 

“I’m a showman. It’s just who I am. Blame my creole roots if you like.” Auðr smiled as there was a small round of cheers.

I glanced in that direction and realized some Darby wolves had come for the event. How sweet and supportive of them. They were standing with my family, which makes sense as they are Leo’s family, too. 

“As such, I’ll be MCing tonight. I went off the planned agenda and started tonight with a song written for my mate, your new alpha, Sage Carlisle.” Auðr pointed to me, a spotlight following his finger.

“Get up here, Skittles.” He crooked his finger. 

I chuckled as I made my way onto the stage, followed by the guys. I walked around the elders, not sparing them a glance. I smiled at the band, and they nodded back. It’s a HUGE difference from how things started between me and the band, especially Rune. As soon as I was within reach, Auðr had an arm around me, pulling me into his side. 

“Say hello, Sage,” Auðr said, offering the mic to me.

“Hello, Sage,” I smirked.

“Your alpha, Steelcrest.” Auðr chuckled. “Now I’m sure your elders and active ranked members had everything planned tonight. Long-winded speeches in monotone voices.” 

“But that’s not our style. Is it, Auðr?” I asked, getting in on the act.

“Not at all.” He agreed. 

“Now that you’ve been entertained with some music and introduced to us, we’ll call it a night. You’re welcome to stay, party, and do what wolves do on an eclipse. We will do what vampire/werewolf mates do during a blood moon eclipse. Your new Beta can take it from here.” Auðr winked.

He tossed the mic to Christian as he guided me off the stage. As we left the stage, there was a mixture of applause and laughter.

“Our Alpha and Aleph.” Christian laughed. “We’ll head out for the run in an hour. Don’t feel rushed to hit the bar or buffet. The food and drinks will still be here when we return.” Christian’s announcement was muffled as Auðr was already shutting a door behind us. 

“I can’t believe you wrote and performed a song just for me.” I gushed, unable to hold back. 

“Glad you liked it. Now, come on. The eclipse is going to start, and there’s something we ought to be doing during it.” Auðr said, leading me toward our room.

“Oh, I know.” I grinned as I pushed him against the wall and kissed him.

It’s good that we weren’t in the same city last blood moon eclipse. I’d have been way too inclined to mark him. I always want to be at least touching him, but tonight, it’s like that desire is multiplied. It’s like every cell in my body knows it’s the eclipse, and it’s the time to claim what’s mine and be claimed as his. It was hard to control when we were in the hall, but now that the eclipse was starting, it was impossible. 

Epilogue Part Three - Sage

I couldn’t tell you how we got from the hallway outside the banquet hall to our room. It was a frantic blur of rough kisses. Auðr’s vest was gone, his shirt was missing most of its buttons, and his pants were open. My vest and blouse were in a similar condition to his shirt. As for my skirt, well, I don’t know where it is beyond not being on me. 

“Fuck… Auðr… commando,” I groaned, tugging his pants down to find he wasn’t wearing underwear. 

“Complaining?” Auðr teased, stroking my cock through my boxers. 

“Neeever…” I moaned, eyes rolling back as he reached into my boxers and stroked my bare dick. 

“Didn’t think so.” Auðr chuckled into my lips as he kissed me. 

I moaned, wiggling out of my vest and top, wanting fewer layers between us. With the offended clothes gone, I wrapped one arm around Auðr’s neck while I used my free hand to return the favor by stoking his dick too. Touching Auðr and especially being touched by him is always crazy good. This blood moon eclipse made things even more intense. I chuckled as he backed me to the bed and gently pushed me backward.

I leaned on my forearms to watch him kick off his shoes and pants before taking off the ruined shirt. I’ll never grow tired of seeing Auðr’s naked body. I licked my lips, eager to touch him again. I could already feel my fangs lengthening as I looked at his neck. I could feel Eclipse coming forward. He was as eager for this as I was—possibly more.

“Get over here. I don’t think I can wait much longer.” I crooked a finger, becking him to me.

Auðr smirked, glancing at a window. I followed his gaze to see the moon. The eclipse was starting, and as if to punctuate the start of the eclipse, I heard the howls of the pack outside as they began their run. It’s still crazy that someone would put me in charge of a pack. It was almost as crazy that I was about to be a fully mated wolf.

I groaned, attention back on Auðr as his cool lips kissed up my legs, sending sparks through my body. I fell back, eyes closing with a moan of pleasure as his mouth reached my dick. I appreciate a good blow job, but I want him in my ass with his neck near my mouth so I can mark him. I want him to fuck me and mark me. 

“Auðr… don’t tease me. Fuck me. Mark me.” I pleaded.

“Always so eager.” He chuckled, licking my tip before finally moving up my body.

“For you, yeah.” I smiled, pulled him closer, and kissed him.

I moaned into the kiss as I felt his cock press against my ass. Auðr reached his free hand to the nightstand, finding the lube he’d smartly set out when we were getting ready for the party. It would’ve been a mood killer to stop to find it. My initial eep from the cool lube was replaced with a moan as Auðr’s cock filled me. Every time was better than the last, and tonight was no different. 

As the pleasure started to build, I felt it again. That need to bite Auðr. To mark him as mine forever. 

‘Mark him,’ Eclipse encouraged.

He didn’t have to tell me twice. I pulled back from the kiss and wordlessly sank my teeth into Auðr’s neck. He hissed in pain and pleasure before sinking his fangs into me. It’s the first time he’s bitten me. And it was euphoric. I felt an intense surge of power, emotions, and a blur of memories hit me all at once. It took me a moment to realize the memories were Auðr’s. 

I saw it all on fast rewind, including the night he was turned and how his mortal life ended. Then it went black. I knew I wasn’t in the bedroom when I opened my eyes. I don’t think I was anywhere in particular. It was just an empty void of black and purple. I looked around, blinking as I saw Eclipse to my right and Auðr to my left. They weren’t looking at me. They were looking forward. I looked in that direction and saw someone approaching us.

“Who are you?” I demanded.

As he walked towards us, I realized it wasn’t just a man. The shadow of his figure divided to reveal a wolf at his side. Once close enough to make out the details of the man and wolf, I was startled. I didn’t recognize him, but his wolf looked exactly like Eclipse. The man was about my height, thin, with almost white blonde hair, dressed like he’d just walked out of the 1920s. 

“Miles Bailey Blackburn. The first eclipse wolf of Steelcrest.” He introduced himself, touching his wolf’s neck. 

“Mi..Miles?” Auðr blinked.

“You know…er knew him?” I aed. “And how can there be two Eclipses?”

“We met once, at the club the night I died,” Auðr explained. “He bought me a drink, but I’d been on my way out with my date.”

“Took a lot of control not to rip that boy’s head off having his hands on what I scented as mine.” Miles nodded, eye fucking Auðr.

I put my arm out protectively across Auðr. “He’s mine, bucko. Keep your eyes to yourself, ghost boy, and answer my question.”

“Of course. He is yours this time.” Miles nodded. “There can be two Eclipses. In the same way, there can be more than one Bloodmoon wolf. Your wolf is the reincarnation of mine. And while you aren’t a reincarnation of me, I can see you are of my blood. It looks like my brother Niles carried on our line after I died.”

“How did you die? Was it because I died and became a vampire?” Auðr asked. 

“I felt you die, but no, that wasn’t how I died. Lorens Isaksen murdered me under the orders of the tyrant Godtfred Solberg. Godtfred knew about the prophecy and my wolf.” Miles paused to rub his wolf’s neck.

“He sent his Beta to follow me when I looked for my mate. He wouldn’t risk me finding my mate and fulfilling the prophecy. I’m glad the goddess saw fit to reincarnate Eclipse into my family to find you, Elvin.” He smiled. 

I snickered when he used Auðr’s birthname. I learned it on a visit to the Darby plantation. I know he doesn’t like it, so I’ve never used it. He didn’t look annoyed that Miles called him by that name.

“Does that mean we shouldn’t trust the Isaksen family?” I asked. “I mean, Joar Isaksen is the one that sought me out after my sperm donor, who, by the way, was the Blackburn, died. My mom is human, and the sperm donor was mated to the last of the Solberg line.”

“I can’t speak to the character of any current generations. I can only say the Isaksen, Almstedt, and Akselsen families have always been loyal to the Solberg line. If they have died out, that loyalty must go to the new alpha, you.” Miles said.

“I trust the new generation of the families. Christian, Elton, and Otto are good guys and loyal to me.” I said as sure of it as I was that I love Auðr. 

“Good. Lead Steelcrest with Elvin. Change it for the better. It may be impossible, but find a way to secure your line. The pack cannot fall into the wrong hands simply because your line ended.”Miles instructed before disappearing.

I woke up with a start, sitting up, and looked around to be sure I was. I was in our bedroom. When I realized Auðr wasn’t in bed with me, I panicked.

“I’m right here,” Auðr assured me.

I turned my head and sighed in relief as I saw him standing by the window. The eclipse had passed, and the light from the moon illuminated Auðr’s naked body, making him look sexy and fuck. I shook the thought away and got up.

“Was that real? Did you see him too?” I asked.

‘I saw them. It was real.’ Eclipse commented.

“Yeah. It was real. I saw Miles.” Auðr nodded. “Are you sure we can trust the boys? Trust that this offer to come here and be Steelcrest’s new leaders is genuine?”

“I want to believe it’s genuine. I know I trust Christian, Elton, and Otto. If they’ve just been acting, they are good at it.” I frowned, wrapping my arms around myself.

I didn’t want to think we were brought here to be betrayed. I sighed as I felt Auðr’s arms around me. I leaned into him, letting our bond soothe my fears. I knew it was only a temporary comfort. There wasn’t any way we’d know if we were talking into a trap until we walked into it.

“Tomorrow night, we’ll know. If they wanted to act like they would fulfill the prophecy only to betray us, tomorrow would be their shot. They’d have to be smart. They’d probably use the oath ceremony to act. Maybe have someone else act so they could keep their hands clean. We need to stay on guard, Sage.” Auðr sighed.

“Okay. I’ll make sure my family is being extra cautious.” I nodded.

“I’ll do the same with my Darby family and the band who will still be here.” Auðr nodded. “If someone wants to stop us from taking over, we’ll find and stop them.” He promised with a kiss on my shoulder. 

“Come to bed. Let’s see if I can’t fuck your worries away.” He offered.

I smiled sadly, but it was still a smile, and I let him take me back to bed. He’s a great distraction, and I needed it.

Epilogue Part Four- Auðr

Sage and their family are right about one thing: their Goddess always has a plan. I’d never thought about why I’d had the dreams about Eclipse back when I was human. I never realized the cute guy who’d bought me a drink and tried to chat me up at the club the night I died was a werewolf, let alone my mate. It’s weird to know now. It was strange that Miles and his Eclipse wolf appeared as a warning to Sage and me after our marking. 

I already didn’t like Joar and the others, so to hear it was his ancestor who killed Miles wasn’t a shocker. I want to trust Christian and the others. I know it’s unfair to hold the father’s sins against the son, so I will give those boys the benefit of the doubt. However, the benefit of the doubt has only extended so far. If I get even the slightest inkling that they are a danger to Sage, I’ll rip their fucking heads off. 

I didn’t feel safe in Steelcrest during the day. It wasn’t that I’d be their target. Though now that we’re mated, killing me would be a quick way to kill Sage. Yet it wasn’t my safety that I worried about. I couldn’t be with Sage during the day. I had to trust Christian, Elton, and Otto but couldn’t. I just fucking couldn’t. So, after Sage had fallen asleep, I stepped out of the room and texted the wolves of our family to ask them to meet me. It was late, but River, Leo, Hale, Austin, Erin, Suzie, Léonel, Léonel’s niece Evalyn, Léonel’s nephew Daxton, and Léonel’s younger brother Ruben all found me quickly.

“What’s going on?” River asked.

“Where’s Sage?” Erin asked.

“Are they all right?” Hale asked.

“What’s the emergency, uncle?” Léonel asked.

“Sage is fine,” I assured everyone, holding my hands up. 

“They are inside sleeping. Let’s take this into another room,” I suggested, pointing to a door.

No one questioned. They just filed into the room. I don’t know my way around, but thankfully, I’d randomly chosen the library, so there was enough room for the crowd of Shelton, Carlisle, and Darby wolves. I ran my hand over my face and leaned on the table in the center of the room. How was I going to explain this to them?

“Uncle Auðr? What’s wrong? Why did you call for us on the night of your marking?” Ruben asked.

“Which, by the way, the Carlisle eclipse looks good.” River nodded to the mark on my neck that matched theirs and Leo’s.

“It’s about the marking,” I sighed.


“Before anyone asks, it went fine. I’m marked, Sage is marked, and our bond is complete. But… after we marked, we went to a different plane and saw Miles Blackburn.” I began.

“Who?” River wrinkled their nose.

“A man, apparently a werewolf, I’d met the night I died. I was supposed to be his mate back then, but I died, and so did he. He was the first to have the prophesized eclipse wolf. He told us that he was murdered by the Steelcrest Beta, Lorens Isaksen. He warned us not to trust the ranked wolves and to secure our line somehow.” I explained.

“Fucking hell,” Austin exclaimed, running his hand over his face. 

“To be clear, Auðr, you’re saying that Sage is in danger from everyone in the Isaksen, Almstedt, and Akselsen families?” Hale asked.

“Sage truly believes that the boys, Christian, Elton, and Otto, are on their side. I want to believe that too, but you don’t live as long as I have and trust anyone easily.” I said.

“But why seek out Sage? Why encourage their mating with you? Why invite us here to witness your ascension of power, Uncle?” Evalyn asked.

I smiled at the soft-spoken girl. She reminds me a lot of my sister, making me want to hug the breath out of her. 

“Because they don’t have an alpha, and the prophecy is known enough that it’s the only thing standing between them and claiming it for themselves,” Ruben said. “Am I picking up on your thought process?”

“Exactly, Ruben.” I nodded. “They are playing along with the prophecy because it’s what the pack expects, but if some misfortune should befall Sage..”

“I’ll kill everyone fucking one of them,” Erin growled, her new moon wolf coming out a little. “No one touches one of my babies and lives.”

“It’s going to be okay, Erin. None of us will let anything bad happen to Sage.” Hale promised, wrapping his arm around his mate and kissing her temple.

“That’s why you called for all of us.” Léonel nodded. “You can’t watch over Sage during the day, so you want us to.”

“Bingo.” I nodded.

“Don’t worry. We won’t let anything happen to my twin.” River promised.

“Appreciate it. Someone from the family should stay with them at all times. I want to trust the boys, but I want them watched as carefully as their dads and granddads.” I outlined.

“We can handle that. No one will question Sage’s siblings hanging around them tomorrow.” Austin nodded. 

“Evalyn and I can watch their dads.” Daxton offered.

“Ruben and I will watch the elders.” Léonel offered.

“Perfect. Hale and Erin, can you check around where the ceremony is being held? Look for anything out of place, especially check the oath cup. I expect they’d want it to look like an accident or at least be untraceable to them.” I said.

“We’ll handle it. Return to Sage, and rest assured your family will watch over them.” Hale nodded.

“Leo and I will keep tabs on your room. An attack on you is possible, and during the day, you’re vulnerable. It could be seen as an accident for a window covering to malfunction, allowing in the sun,” Suzie suggested. 

“Very well. It sounds like you’ve got everything covered. I’ll see you tomorrow night, and with luck, all these precautions will be for nothing.” I nodded as I left to crawl back into bed with Sage. 

I only slept because my body required me to. My brain was restless the whole time, aware of every tiny sound in the unfamiliar room. More than that, my mind was hyper-aware of every change in Sage’s emotions throughout the day. I hadn’t told them I had their family and mine watching out for anything suspicious before morning, though I’m certain someone, likely their twin, told them. I was certain of it when I finally woke up to find Sage straddling me, their expression between adoring and annoyance. 

“Good evening to you, too, Skittles.” I smiled sleepily at them.

“You had our families watching me, the elders, the current ranked wolves, and sniffing all around the place,” Sage whispered scolded.

“Did you expect me to do nothing after what Miles told us? I wouldn’t be awake and at your side. Precautions were needed, and the only people who could be trusted were families.” I shrugged.

“Well, no. A heads-up would’ve been nice. Austin and River were so far up my ass that the guys questioned if there was some weird going on with me and my siblings.” Sage sighed.

“I don’t control your brother and even less your twin. They volunteered to stick with you.” I said. “Did anything happen?”

“Not really. I mean, Suzie punched a maid who tried to come into our room in the middle of the day. She was just trying to do her job and wasn’t armed with anything besides cleaning supplies. Leo reminded the girl that you’re a vampire and would still be asleep in the room. No harm was done, and Suzie was off the hook ‘cause she was protecting your sleep.” Sage recounted.

“Good to know she’s on our side. I hope the maid didn’t get roughed up too badly, though shifter healing and all.” I chuckled.

“That’s so true. Now, come on. I brought you some blood bags, and then we must prepare for the oath ceremony.” Sage smiled as they moved to get off me. 

“Food later.” I smiled, grabbing Sage and rolling them to their back.

I was so relieved that nothing had gone amiss during the day. There was no way I was letting Sage out of this bed without fucking them. Sage laughed but didn’t protest when I kissed them and started undressing them, making my intentions clear. It was a quickie but a needed one. I wasn’t getting through tonight without fucking them first. It was fun and grounding to start my night with sex. 

After our fun, I drank the two blood bags, showered, and dressed for the oath ceremony. I was on high alert as we walked from our room to the banquet hall. I was going to ask why we were inside when I’d expected this to be done outside, but seeing the white-out conditions out the windows answered that. If someone tries something between the weather and the isolated location of the pack, we’ll be able to contain the threat quickly. 

Epilogue Part Five- Auðr

As we entered the hall, I locked eyes with the various members of our family, and my vampire bandmates posted up around the room. Someone I knew was truly loyal to us was watching all the exits, which made me feel safer. The elders and their sons were already waiting on the stage. Christian, Elton, and Otto spotted us and hurried over with concerned expressions.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, skipping any small talk.

“Something feels… off,” Christian whispered, beckoning us to an alcove away from others.

“Define off,” Sage said.

“Beyond that, your families and the vampires are on high alert and watching all the exits?” Otto folded his arms. 

“They were weird all day. What’s up with that?” Elton asked.

“Back to what’s off.” I nodded my chin to Christian.

“Our dads and grandads. They... I can’t place it, but they’ve been acting weird the closer we’ve gotten to the ceremony.” Christian whispered.

“Spit it out, kid.” I hissed. 

“Auðr.” Sage elbowed me. “I’m gonna need you to elaborate. As far as I’m concerned, they’ve been weird since I met them.”

“Cagey,” Elton said. 

“They’ve been keeping many things about the oath ceremony to themselves.” Otto

“And I only saw my gramps bring the chalice out of my dad’s office ten minutes ago, and he’s been super protective of it. Holding it with gloves only and won’t let me touch it.” Christian explained. 

“Well, that answers that question.” I scoffed.

“What question?” Christian asked.

“How they planned to kill Sage and likely me as well.” I sighed.

“Wh…” Elton started to exclaim, but Otto covered his mouth before he could draw attention to us.

“It’s hard to explain, but I’m not the first Blackburn with an eclipse wolf. Christian’s ancestor from the 1920s killed my ancestor to prevent the prophecy. Now it looks like that’s the plan again, but this time, there’s not anyone of alpha blood to take power, so…” Sage frowned.

“The title would go to my dad if I hadn’t been sworn in.” Christian went pale as the realization hit him.

“What’s the plan then? You can’t touch that cup, let alone drink from it, but you have to be sworn in.” Otto asked.

“We call in Evalyn,” I said, looking around until I found her. I nodded to her to come over.

“Who’s Evalyn?” Elton asked.

“I am,” Evalyn said. “What can I help with, Uncle Auðr?” 

“Uncle Auðr?” The boys spoke in unison.

I ignored them and focused on my great-great-great niece. She has a rare power that occurs only once every other generation in her mother’s family—a power that will be very helpful.

“The boys have just confirmed my suspicions about their fathers and grandfathers. The chalice for the ceremony is tainted. I need you to do what you do best and cleanse it.” I explained, glancing toward the stage where Joar had held the chalice in his gloved hands.

“I’ll have to get it from the old man. What kind of cover can you give me?” Evalyn asked.

“I can create a mist.” I offered.

“I’ll black out the room. Stay close to me, Evalyn, because you won’t be able to see while I can.” Sage said.

“Just don’t touch the chalice yourself, Sage. Evalyn has to be the one.” I insisted.

“I’ve got this, doudou.” Sage winked, kissing me before they linked arms with Evalyn.

With that, Sage’s eyes went purple, and the room fell into a thick darkness that no one could see. I heard some shouts of surprise erupting around the room. I closed my eyes and focused on Sage. I couldn’t see them, but I could feel them, and through our bond, I knew their every movement. I knew when they reached Joar because the darkness faded. 

A shrill scream filled the air, and everyone looked to the stage. Joar was holding the chalice but ungloved and looking horrified at the realization. Sage and Evalyn stood a few feet away. We all watched most of the room in surprise as Joar fell to the ground dead. The chalice rolled toward the other elders who ran from it, knowing what would happen if they touched it.

“YOU KILLED MY FATHER!” Sten shouted, pointing an accusing finger at Sage.

“Your father killed himself.” Evalyn scoffed as she daintily picked up the cup.

“Don’t it’ll…” Elton Sr shouted but didn’t get it out in time. 

“It’ll kill me? Please. I’m Evalyn Darby, Renée Lavigne’s daughter and Baptiste Lavigne’s granddaughter. Poisons cannot harm me, and now...” She smiled, running her hand over the cup. 

“It won’t harm anyone. Did you seriously think our family would let you scum hurt our Uncle Auðr or his mate Sage?” She scoffed, offering the cleansed cup to Sage. “All yours, Alpha Sage.”

“Thanks, Evalyn.” Sage smiled, taking the cup.

As Sage’s hand touched the cup, I saw the expectant looks of the remaining elders and their sons. Their faces fell when they realized Evalyn spoke the truth. Their plan failed. I was already hurrying onto the stage, Christian, Elton, and Otto on my heels. They grabbed their fathers roughly while I prevented Elton Sr and Svein from getting far.

“What do you want us to do with them, Alpha?” Christian asked, roughly pulling his father’s arms behind his back. 

“For attempted murder?” Sage tapped their chin. “Is there a dungeon to put them in for now? I want to sleep on it and decide later.”

“Yes, we do. It hasn’t been used long, but we can escort them to the cells.” Otto smiled.

I think he was enjoying getting to lock up his dad and grandfather.

“We’ll escort these two for you, Uncle Auðr.” Ruben and Daxton offered.

“Thank you. Follow the boys. They know where they’re going.” I nodded.

“We should address the pack.” I nodded to the crowd.

The pack watched in confusion and fear as their elders and current-ranked wolves were escorted to the dungeons, and another elder died on the ground. Sage turned to the crowd, gripping the cup tightly as they realized we would need to address everyone. I gently took the cup out of Sage’s hand to hold their hand instead. Sage sighed, the bond doing what I wanted it to—relaxing them. 

“We apologize for what you’ve just witnessed,” Sage said, their voice initially soft but growing louder. 

“Tonight is meant to be a joyful occasion for us all. Auðr and I had reason to believe something nefarious was afoot. Joar, Elton Sr, Svein, Sten, Elton II, and Jöran plotted against us and this pack. Tonight was meant to bring the pack together and restore harmony after Dane and, more importantly, Vilma Solberg’s deaths. Instead of wanting that for all of you, they only thought of themselves and the power they could claim as their own with us out of the way.” Sage spoke clearly and with such poise.

It looks like the months of training in Bloodmoon were paying off. Their public speaking was much better, though I’m betting that was learned from John more than Logan. 

“Joar paid with his life. I will discuss what will happen to the others and decide their fate tomorrow, but no matter what the decision is, the outcome will be the same. When Christian, Elton II, and Otto return, we shall take our oaths, and we will continue with the celebration as Steelcrest once more has an Alpha.” Sage declared. 

The crowd was still uneasy, but Sage’s words reassured them. We had the medical staff remove Joar’s body. His widow, as well as the mates of the others, were taken away as well. It wasn’t likely Joar’s mate would live much longer now that he was gone. The other mates would be questioned to understand if they were in on the plans. If they were, they’d face the consequences. If they weren’t, well, they might be given the choice to leave their mates and escape tying their fate to them. 

We proceeded with the ceremony once the boys returned to the hall. I was still adjusting to being able to communicate with Sage and their family telepathically, and now I have a whole fucking pack of wolves in my head. By the night’s end, I could at least keep everyone but Sage’s thoughts out of my head. I’m perfectly happy to let Sage in my head and to hear their thoughts. 

I wasn’t in the meetings and interrogations the following day, but I was there when Sage made their decision. The two elders were put to death while the sons were going to remain in the dungeon for ten years, and then we’d revisit the situation. They weren’t happy about it, but I felt it was fair. In my opinion, they should’ve died too. Sage was kind because they believed the three idiots were influenced by their fathers more than they were in it for themselves. 

I didn’t push. Sage is a good judge of character. Sage trusted Christian, Elton III, and Otto, which worked in our favor as they more than proved themselves the night of oath-taking. Our place in Steelcrest was secured that night, or at least it began that night. Miles was right that we’d need to secure our line. However, he was wrong that it was impossible. 

It was a topic discussed on and off for a couple of years. We’d initially thought we’d just be able to hand the title to a child River and Leo could someday have, but the pack was adamant that they’d feel more secure if it was Sage’s heir, not their twin’s. Surrogacy worked for Madonie’s Alpha André and Aleph Darren. 

Finding a surrogate was the easy part. I had zero interest in being a biological father to a vampire-werewolf hybrid, but Sage wanted my genetics. Evalyn volunteered to be the egg donor and surrogate. Sage agreed since she was a Darby, and the pack approved because the heir would be a pure-blooded werewolf. It was a win-win for everyone. 

Before you start questioning how Evalyn’s mate felt, she hasn’t found one yet. Plus, Evalyn is a lesbian. So, I don’t think she would be too up in arms about it if she had her mate. So, with successful IVF, Evalyn carried our heir to full term. At 11:59 pm on Halloween, three years after we’d become Alpha and Aleph, we welcomed Salem Miles Carlisle. He’s the first grandchild born in Sage’s family, but being on the opposite side of the country, he won’t be spoiled by Hale and Erin.

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